The Youthful Adventures of Damon Dukirk

Zach Wegner headshotthumbnail_IMG_0534dukirk_flierThe  Youthful Adventures of Damon Dukirk is an eight part, poetic-comic monologue written by Kieran Carroll and performed by Brooklyn based actor, Zach Wegner. The work is directed by Manhattan based director and playwright, Stephen Cedars.

Dukirk recently appeared for two performances in a full production to a great reception at the Sara Solo Festival, Sarasota, Florida in March 2022. In 2023, Dukirk is having a rest somewhere obscure and will hopefully resurface for American dates in 2024.

Below is an interview link with artistic directors, Annie and Blake Walton, director Stephen Cedars and me talking all things Dukirk in March 2022!


Dukirk was selected for the 2020 Marsh International Solo Festival in San Francisco.

Dukirk was performed at The One Festival at the Teatro Circulo in New York in late April 2021. 

The opening parts of ‘Dukirk’ were performed in New York festivals in 2016 and 2017. In Australia, the Dukirk monologues have appeared at The Tap Gallery (Sydney), La Mama (Melbourne), the La Mama Courthouse (Melbourne) and Long Play (Melbourne).

For further information on actor Zach Wegner, please go to the link below:



The Youthful Adventures of Damon Dukirk is an episodic monologue about the peripatetic and hedonistic life of a poet who moves from great triumphs to dismal failures. It is both comedy and tragedy. Utilizing a combination of ornate and prosaic language, Damon Dukirk speaks of the successes, the poor decisions, the romantic dreams and great hopes he has for his literary life.

Beginning in the unnamed province of his birth, Damon Dukirk takes an idiosyncratic path through central Germany, Iceland, Portugal, to name a few locations. Dukirk moves blindly and quickly from an anachronism, to a cult figure, to the great dreamer of world poetry. Along the way, other characters help and infuriate: Frankie from Frankfurt, his financial benefactor, Cavendish Moulash, a gothic singer-songwriter who is popular in Portugal, a girlfriend who is now a major literary success and a sadistic arts bureaucrat determined to make him suffer for his art.

The Youthful Adventures of Damon Dukirk is a work about idealism and a lack of practicality, of hedonism and romanticism, of long nights out and the joy and creating new writing. It relishes language and anecdote. The writing attempts both a spirited high energy and a self-absorbed, comic melancholy. The play is also a rites-of-passage story, but with Dukirk growing up much later than many others!